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Heads Up
- 9 April 2024 -
Core Facility MoveLab: ruling and guidelines
The most important guidelines and agreements on the use of the core facility MoveLab are bundled in one document, it follows the presentation of the infosssion. Essential reading.

Read the MoveLab guidelines
Finance reminder: FacMob funding

Faculty Mobility funding obtained for your foreign congress? Great!
Equally great: give a simple signal to Team Finance, which makes the follow-up and reimbursement of expenses all the better afterwards.

TouchPoints: Find your healthtech research partner
Thursday 18 and Friday 19 April, iGent Tower - Technologiepark Zwijnaarde

The aim is to create and strengthen connections between academia and industry. The networking event brings together researchers, TechTransfer and the ENLIGHT partners with companies. Participation is free, subject to registration.

More info and registration
Study day: Movement and eating disorders
Friday 26 april, 8:30 h. - 17:00 h., HOGENT - Campus Schoonmeersen

Within the counselling of eating disorder patients, there is still too little focus on the movement part, where a rehabilitation scientist/physician and an exercise scientist can take on an important role.

More info and registration
SciMingo podcast "Missen is menselijk"
Deadline registration Tuesday 30 April

SciMingo, organiser of the Flemish Thesis Prize and the Flemish PhD Cup, is looking for researchers for a new podcast Missing is Human. Through the podcast, they want to highlight fail (but also learning) stories of scientists.

More info
Symposium: Causal inference in psychology and applied health sciences
Thursday 6 June, 13:00 h. - 17:00 h., Auditorium 2 - Campus Dunant (FPPW)

The faculties of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Medicine and Health Sciences and Sciences join forces and organize a symposium on methods for causal decision-making in psychology and health sciences.
Can we learn from non-experimental data which interventions work or what the impact of certain exposures is? What are the primary obstacles and challenges in this pursuit? What are the most recent methods to answer such questions or gain deeper insight into the causal mechanisms of the phenomena that we study? And when and how does machine learning come into play?
Get answers to these and other questions by registering for this symposium.

More info and registration
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One overview, multiple e-mails saved.

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Let it know via thibault.bonte@ugent.be!